443 Great Eastern Highway Redcliffe WA 6104
Guess what? We are back with another fun toothbrush packing session for The Kimberley Dental Team!
The Kimberley Dental Team is a group of dental volunteers that strive to promote dental hygiene and education in remote regions and disadvantaged areas of Perth. Rural Australians have access to fewer dental practitioners than their city counterparts, coupled with longer travel times and limited transport options to services, this affects the oral health care that they can receive. Toothbrushes are an essential tool to reduce tooth decay.
Help us pack toothbrushes for KDT. These toothbrushes will be helping schools in the Kimberley and disadvantaged familes.
Bring snacks to share and a popping playlist! Please only RSVP if you are actually going so we have a good idea of numbers.
Similar to our last tooth brush packing session, lets all hang at the beach after! Location TBD.